Igga Studio Apps

Curp y Rfc 1.1.0
Igga Studio
La Curp y el Rfc son 2 documentos de granutilidad en Mexico y esta herramienta te puede ayudar a hacer uncalculo rapido sobre estos 2, a continuacion te explicamos para quesirven.La Curp es la Clave Única de Registro de Población que seconforma por un código alfanumérico único de identidad de 18caracteres utilizado para identificar oficialmente tanto aresidentes como a ciudadanos mexicanos de todo el país.El RFC es el Registro Federal de Contribuyentes (RFC) que es unaclave que se usa en México para distinguir a cada individuo oempresa obligado a pagar impuestos.CURP and RFCs are 2documents useful in Mexico and this tool can help you make a quickcalculation on these 2 below we explain to serve.CURP is the Unique Key Population Registration is formed by aunique alphanumeric identification code of 18 characters used toofficially identify both residents and Mexican citizens across thecountry.The RFC is the Federal Taxpayers Registry (RFC) which is a keyused in Mexico to distinguish each individual or company requiredto pay taxes.
Cat Sounds 1.0.7
Igga Studio
Discover and learn more about what are the8most usual sounds made by cats and what is the meaning of these.So you will learn and better your cat will understand, whenyoutype any of this sound.The 8 most common sounds are: meow, purr, Trino,Roaring,Vibrational Sound, Whistle, Howl and whistle.Do not wait any longer! if you like cats this is anessentialtool for you.